교육적 영역

행복은 나누기 위해 만들어집니다......❤️

@ Tarabar Gate 호텔은 학교, 도서관, 재활용 쓰레기통 및 역세권 기증과 같은 기본 인프라를 구축하여 교육 분야를 지원하기 위한 이해당사자들의 기여와 함께 Tarabar Education Network를 설립했습니다.



Near Tharabar Gate (Old Bagan )
Nyaung Oo Township,
Mandalay Division, Myanmar

Check in / Check Out

Check-in: 14:00
Check-out: 12:00

95 (61) 2460037/ 42 / 43

95 (61) 2460044



The Hotel @ Tharabar Gate

Near Tharabar Gate (Old Bagan )
Nyaung Oo Township, Mandalay Division, Myanmar
Tel : 95 (61) 2460037/ 42 / 43, 95 (9) 2503 13859
Fax : 95 (61) 2460044
E-mail: fom@tharabargate.com, fo@tharabargate.com

양곤 지점 사무실:

Room 2H, 1st floor, Nawarat Condo, Sa Mon Street,
22/24, Pyay East Qtr, Dagon Township, Yangon, Myanmar
Tel : 09423656213
Fax : 09423656213
E-mail: sales@tharabargate.com, smm@tharabargate.com, reservation@tharabargate.com

Room Booking

Thanks for staying with us! Please fill out the form below and our staff will be in contact with your shortly. The see all of our room options please visit the link below.
See All Rooms